Burlington - Burlington Downtown BIA (Brant and Lakeshore)
Downtown East Burlington (DEB) is a vibrant and bustling place for businesses and customers that can come together to promote and advocate for Main Street Businesses. We can all see the rich history of the DEB through the collaboration of our small business community that work together to give customers and other business owners alike a welcoming feeling to the community and bring an authenticity to the area that is difficult to match. All this is encompassed by a gorgeous backdrop of the Brant Street Pier that not only provides a competitive advantage for the DEB but a wonderful setting for the community to gather and celebrate the Downtown East Burlington area.
The My Main Street Business Accelerator Program recognizes that main streets are the heartbeat of a community, and is working to revitalize these main streets by supporting new and existing brick-and-mortar independent businesses. Business owners are encouraged to reach out to their community's Ambassador for more information.
Success Stories

The Cornerstone Pilates finds new form with help from My Main Street
Community Partners

My Main Street is operated by the Canadian Urban Institute and funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.