Kitchener - Market District & King Street East
My Main Street area of Kitchener includes two different areas. The first is the Market area. It is a small area of Downtown that belongs to the BIA and whose anchor is the Kitchener Market. This area is full of businesses that benefit from the weekly bustling market. The Businesses are diverse and support many different segments of the population. The other area is King East and includes businesses north and south on Ottawa Street. It is a large area with different groupings of businesses. It is close to the expressway. This area is currently under redevelopment and revitalization and in the next 10 years will be a very vibrant and densely populated area. My Main Street areas are very walkable, have access to the new LRT and there is a lot of residential around it.
Photo Credit Liam Good
Community Partners

My Main Street is operated by the Canadian Urban Institute and funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.