Stratford - Downtown Stratford

Trade Area Population:
Trade Area Median Age:
Trade Area # of Households:
Trade Area: Percentage with University Degree:

Stratford is a friendly city that is very family centric. It has an emphasis on families coming together and there are things to do for everyone. The Downtown is busy during the Theatre Festival season bringing much welcome diversity of peoples to the city giving it a cosmopolitan feel.

Success Stories

Wills Prior 1
March 16, 2023
| Accelerator
Stratford interior decorating shop Wills and Prior gets exterior support from My Main Street
In Spring 2022, Wills and Prior moved into its new location on Ontario Street, the co…
Municipality: City of Stratford

Community Partners



My Main Street is operated by the Canadian Urban Institute and funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.

Canadian Urban Institute
English page