The My Main Street program offers free Market Research Reports to businesses and community organizations to support their project proposal.

The data insights from the report can be leveraged by applicants to strengthen their projects and provide local context specific to their community.

Once an applicant is approved, the report will be provided as a supplementary document to assist them address the localized needs and opportunities of their main street that support their business’s sustainability and growth strategies. The data within these reports includes census information from Statistics Canada and proprietary licensed data from our partner Environics Analytics.

Business Sustainability stream:

Approved applicants will receive a customized Market Research Report for their community from their designated Portfolio Manager.

Within the report, businesses will get insights into their community’s:

  • Household spend
  • Food spend
  • Behavioural numeric data
  • Behaviour optics e-shopper
  • Behaviour shoppers e-choice

The Market Research Report provides an additional understanding of your customer base, including where customers are from, general market behaviour, how to communicate to them through various media channels, and how they spend their money. It is a deep-data dive into the main street to help the business understand their community’s market gaps.

Eligible businesses will receive a one-on-one consultation with a Portfolio Manager to review how to use the analysis to target your business growth opportunities and support your marketing strategies.

Community Activator stream

Community organizations are required to connect with their Portfolio Manager to receive their community’s Market Research Report to reference in their application.

Within the report, you will get insights into:

  • Demographic data
  • Household spending
  • Media behaviors of customers
  • Psychographic data
  • Mobile data

The research report can help the organization understand their community’s customer base, including where customers are from, their demographics, how to communicate to them through various media channels, and how they spend their money. Overall, the data within the report can help organizations uncover community needs, market gaps and improve their marketing strategy.

Eligible organizations will receive a one-on-one consultation with a Portfolio Manager to review how to use the analysis to understand their community’s insights based on the report.