Vaughan - Vaughan Metropolitan Centre

Trade Area Population:
Trade Area Median Age:
Trade Area # of Households:
Trade Area: Percentage with University Degree:

The vision of a true ‘downtown’ has been the focus of the City of Vaughan since the rapid growth seen in the 1980s and 1990s, which changed the city from a quiet collection of communities into a thriving urban centre.

The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre is the city’s downtown core rapidly emerging into a financial, innovation and cultural centre of Vaughan. The vision for this downtown is that it continues to grow as a vibrant, modern urban centre for residents and businesses that encompasses all amenities of urban lifestyle: inspiring multi-use office towers, residences, subway access, open green space, urban squares, pedestrian shopping areas and restaurants, and walking and cycling paths.

For more information and


Histoires de réussite

Art Loft Studio 3
mai 11, 2023
| Accelerator
Le studio Art Loft à Vaughan élargit son champ d’action grâce à un plan de marketing fondé sur des données
Joseph et Ana Maria Mancuso ont ouvert le studio Art Loft à Vaughan huit mois après l…
Municipalité: Vaughan


Le programme Ma rue principale est géré par l’Institut urbain du Canada et financé par l’Agence fédérale de développement économique pour le Sud de l’Ontario.

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